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Aylsham Twinning Events

For details of how to join in any event please ring Mike Bush on 01263 732051 or Email

Please watch out for details in the Newsletters




1st - 6th July

Visit from our friends in La Chaussée St Victor. If you are willing to host French Guests would you please let Ruth know by end of January

7th Feb

AGM in the Friendship Hall

Further details of these events and booking forms will appear in future newsletters. Please make a note of the dates in your diaries and support as many events as you can

Feb TBA We will be holding a Social Night. Details to follow
19th Jan Sunday January 19th. Sunday Lunch at the Friendship Hall with a Sketch by Liz Scott based on the history of Norwich Cathedral entitled “Martha the Monastery Maid.” More details to follow in due course
29th Nov Christmas Lights Switch On. We will be having a Christmas Tree in the church again this year
9th Nov We will be holding a Quiz Night on Saturday 9th November in The Friendship Hall at 7.00 for 7.30. It will be for teams of up to 6 people at a cost of £6 per head. Please bring your own drink and nibbles. The Quiz will be run by our resident Quiz Master Mike Downes. There will be questions for everybody, this is not Mastermind. It will be a fun evening so bring along friends neighbours and family members, everybody is welcome. Donations for raffle prizes will be very welcome
19th Oct Soup and Sweet evening. £10 per person for some tasty soups and delicious desserts. Please bring your own drinks and glasses and also your own soup and dessert bowls
10th Oct Cheese Tasting and Wine evening.  THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED
28th Jul

This event at 12.30 p.m.in the garden of of Mike and Sue Bush at The Warren, Sir William’s Lane, Aylsham. A welcome drink will be provided on arrival but do not forget to bring your own plates, cutlery, drinks and glasses.Unless you have a mobility problem please park in the Rec car park or on the road.

7th Jul We will be having a table at the Aylsham Town Street Party
25th Jun-1st Jul Visit to our friends in La Chaussée St Victor
1st Jun Community Fayre Saturday 1st June 9am - 1pm Aylsham Town Hall - We have been invited to participate at this event to promote our organisation. We are looking for volunteers to man the stand and to explain what Twinning is all about in order to encourage new members. If you feel able to help please contact
28th Apr Spring Walk from 1.00 to 5.00 at Burgh House, Burgh Road, Aylsham. We are holding this event in partnership with Aylsham In Bloom. There will be tea and cakes available and entrance is £4.00 payable on on the gate. Advance booking is not required as this event is open to the public. A rota is being prepared on an hourly basis and we are looking for volunteers to help man the gate, serve teas and sell raffle tickets
9th Feb Annual General Meeting in the Friendship Hall - 7.30 sharp
14th Jan Sunday Lunch in the Friendship Hall - There will be a delicious hot lunch followed by ‘Living Pictures of Blickling’ an entertaining presentation by Liz Scott. Those of you who were at her previous appearance with us will know that she puts on a very entertaining show with plenty of laughs. If this sounds familiar, that’s because it is. This is the presentation we should have had at our October lunch which didn’t happen due to confusion over dates. Members who attended the October lunch paid £15 per person. To compensate for the lack of entertainment in October lunch tickets for January are priced at £12 per person
1st Dec We have arranged another of our fabulous wine tasting evenings hosted by our resident wine expert, Father James Walsh. A number of good wines will be offered for you to sample. There will also be a cheese supper to soak it all up. This has been a very popular event in previous years so book your place quickly. The cost is only £15.00 per head
Nov 18th A quiz evening in the Friendship Hall. This event will be open to the public. There will be prizes for the winners. Questions will be provided by Mike Downes who has done many of these quizzes for The Rotary. Teams can be up to 6 people and the cost will be £6 per person. Please provide your own drink and nibbles
Oct 15th Lunch followed by entertainment. ‘Living Pictures at Blickling Hall’ by Liz Scott. The cost is £15 per person. Please bring your own drink and glasses
Sept 2nd-8th Visit from our friends from La Chaussée St Victor. Details of the programme will be announced at a later date
Jul 16th A French themed event to celebrate Bastille Day. Please bring your own picnic and plates and cutlery. A welcome drink will be provided. The cost is £5 per person. This event will be held in the garden of Richard and Maureen Burr at Burgh House, Burgh Road, Aylsham 
July 9th Aylsham is holding a street party on Sunday 9th July in the Town square. Aylsham Twinning will be having a table at this event when we will be entertaining our German visitors
Apr 23rd A Lunch to celebrate St Georges Day in The Friendship Hall at 12.30pm, with a delicious traditional English lunch
Feb 10th Annual General Meeting in the Friendship Hall at 7.30pm sharp
Jan 22nd Join us at 12.30pm in The Friendship Hall for a delicious hot lunch. This will be followed by the showing of a Jacques Tati film (we are after all a French Twinning group). Whether or not you can speak French does not matter as the humour in his films is very visual. Come and have a relaxing time with us after the hectic activity of Christmas and Hogmany. You can get all of this for the amazing price of only £12 per person
Dec 31st Unfortunately the Hogmanay Party has had to be cancelled due to lack of support
Nov 18th Wine Tasting with Father James - POSTPONED UNTIL NEXT YEAR
Oct 23rd Join us at 12.30pm for a delicious lunch followed by an amusing presentation by Kath the kitchen maid at Blickling Hall played by Liz Scott, with an appearance by Lord Lothian played by her husband. Kath will regale us with tales of life at Blickling Hall in the 1930’s and will also answer any questions you may have. Liz and her husband have performed this for many local organisations most of whom have asked them back for repeat performances, so come highly recommended. The cost of this lunch and entertainment is only £12.00 per head. Fill in the form in the Newslette ror contact Ruth by 6th October at the latest
Sept 13th SOUTHERN COMFORT - MISSISSIPPI PADDLE BOAT CRUISE A river cruise has been arranged, sailing at 10.30 am for a 1.5 hour cruise from Horning. Assemble 10 am at the latest at Horning car park. Alcoholic beverages, tea/coffee, crisps, nuts, biscuits are available to purchase on board. PLEASE BE AWARE THE BAR IS CASH ONLY. The cost will be £9 per head (This will reduce to £7 per head if we have a booking of 20+). You are very welcome to invite friends and family. If you would like lunch at Horning Swan following the river trip and to ensure table space please book direct with the Swan. Telephone 01692 630316. Please reply by the 26th August at the latest
12-17th Jul Visit to  La Chaussée St Victor to join in the celebrations for Bastille Day. Please let Ruth know if you are considering visiting, either by email, ruthwhite@tiscali.co.uk or phone 01263 733201
Jun 25th Midsummer Dance with Barry Lee at 7.30pm. This will follow the same format as the New Year’s Eve dance. £17 per head before 1st June, £21 thereafter
Jun 5th Platinum Jubilee Street Party.  We are having a table at this event, no charge but bring your own refreshments
May 1st By kind invitation of Richard & Maureen Burr at Burgh House, Burgh Road, Aylsham. There is no charge for this event, please bring your own picnic lunch, drinks and garden chair. Richard will be giving train rides as per last year and there will be a raffle. You are very welcome to bring friends and family. Please park in the Burgh Road car park opposite
Mar 20th Lunch and Quiz event at 12.30 pm in The Friendship Hall with delicious lunch before the quiz
Feb 11th Annual General Meeting at 7.30 pm sharp in The Friendship Hall with cheese supper afterwards
Jan 16th Sunday Lunch and showing of Jacques Tati film at 12.30 pm in The Friendship Hall - £10 per person
Dec 31st Hogmany Party in the Town Hall with Barry Lee. £17 per head if booked by 1st December, £21 after that date
Nov 26th Christmas Tree Festival.  We are having a tree in St Michael's Church during the Festival
Nov 12th Wine Tasting Evening at 7.30pm, hosted by Fr. James, including cheese supper. £15 per head
Oct 12th Mississippi River Cruise - 1pm for 1.5 hour cruise.  Assemble 12.15 pm (latest) at Horning car park. First come, first served will get a seat on board. Alcoholic beverages, tea/coffee, crisps, nuts, biscuits available to purchase on board. £7 per head
July 25th Richard and Maureen Burr Garden Picnic for Members only
February 12th Annual General Meeting
January 17th Lunch with entertainment
December 31st Hogmany
November 27th Christmas lights switch on
November 13th A wine tasting evening
October 18th Sunday lunch and games afternoon
September 5th Promotional stall in Market Place for our 20th Anniversary
August 9th Summer Garden Party at the home of John and Charlotte Wootten CANCELLED
June 30th-5th July Visit to our friends in La Chaussée St Victor. As last year we are planning on the coach leaving a day earlier and making an overnight stop in France. In order to plan and be sure of securing enough hotel rooms we need to know who is planning to go by coach next year. Please let Ruth know as soon as possible as the French would like confirmation by the end of April CANCELLED
June 7th Afternoon Tea at the home of Richard and Maureen Burr CANCELLED
March 27th Ten Pin Bowling at North Walsham at 7pm. Game plus supper (hot dogs or beefburger) £13.95.  Anyone not bowlng may choose from the American Diner Menu on the night (from £10 upwards) CANCELLED
February 7th Annual General Meeting
January 19th At 12.30 we will be having a Sunday Lunch in the Friendship Hall. There will also be a quiz to entertain you. The quiz will be a French themed general knowledge quiz, not too taxing. Only £10 each for a lovely lunch and a bit of fun
December 31st Hogmany. Once again we will be holding this event in the Town Hall on 31st December. The format is the same as previous years so you can expect a good time to be had by all. Come and see the New Year in to the sound of music by Barry Lee. The price is £17.00 for Early Bird bookers. Book by 1st December for this amazing price, after that date the price will rise to £21
November 22nd A wine tasting evening hosted by our resident wine expert, Father James Walsh, with a cheese supper to soak it all up. A number of good wines will be offered for you to sample. This has been a very popular event in previous years - £12 per head
October 13th A walking quiz around Aylsham. We will meet at The Friendship Hall at 2.00 p.m. The walk will commence at 2.30. After the walk we will meet again in The Friendship Hall at 4.00 for a lovely afternoon tea - £7.50 per head
Aug 24th-29th Visit from our friends in La Chaussée St Victor
August 4th Summer Garden Party at the home of Mike and Sue Bush
July 28th Brocante in Blofields Loke (Please note change of date)
June 1st/2nd John and Charlotte Wootten are opening their garden at Diggen’s Farmhouse, Old Buxton Road, Aylsham for visitors. They will be selling refreshments each day and are kindly donating the proceeds to Twinning funds
May 17th Garden visit at the home of Richard and Maureen Burr. Pimms and canapes will be served
April 6th Join us in The Friendship Hall at 7.30 p.m for a Quiz, Fish & Chips and Dessert Evening. There will be a choice of Cod or Plaice plus some delicious desserts. Please tell us your choice of fish. We will also have a tantalising quiz to exercise the brain without overworking it. All this for only £10.00 per head, fantastic value
February 8th Annual General Meeting
January 13th A delicious hot lunch in The Friendship Hall at 12.30pm, followed by the showing of a Jacques Tati film (we are after all a French Twinning group). Whether or not you can speak French does not matter as the humour in his films is very visual. Come and have a relaxing time with us after the hectic activity of Christmas and Hogmanay. You can get all of this for the amazing price of only £10 per person
December 31st Once again we are offering Early Bird tickets for the Hogmanay party. Come and see the New Year in to the sound of music by Barry Lee. We are still keeping the price at £16.00 for Early Bird bookers. Book by 1st December for this amazing price, after that date the price will rise to £20. A donation to a local charity will be made from the raffle money. Remember you need to bring your own food, drink, glasses and crockery
December 2nd Cromer Pier Christmas Show matinee performance at 2.30 pm. There is also an option of going to No. 1 Cromer for Fish and Chips, with meat and vegetarian alternatives, for those who wish to do so after the show
October 19th A wine tasting evening with Father James Walsh at 7.30pm in the Friendship Hall, with cheese supper
Sept 18th-23rd Visit to La Chaussée St Victor - Open to all Members - Coach leaves Bure Valley Railway on Monday 17th September at 7.00 am sharp (please assemble at 6.30 am), later than usual as there will be an overnight stay in Evreux.  The coach will depart Evreux mid-morning stopping for a visit to Chartres en route for La Chaussee where arrival is due at teatime
July 15th Summer Lunch at Diggen's Farmhouse, Old Buxton Road at 12.30 pm. This year’s lunch follows Bastille Day so we shall be having a French theme with a glass of Kir, canapes and a French themed main course followed by delicious desserts - £12.50 per person. Please bring own drink, glasses, plates and cutlery
May 20th Brocante in Blofield's Loke at 10.00 am in conjunction with the Rotary Club Garage Sale in the town - table £5
April 14th Quiz and Pizza Evening in the Friendship Hall at 7.30 pm. Delicious pizzas, salads and puddings.  £10 per head
February 9th Annual General Meeting in Aylsham Tall Hall at 7.30 pm followed by cheese and wine *CHANGE OF VENUE*
January 14th Join us in the Friendship Hall at 12.30pm for a hot lunch and afternoon of fun and games, all for an amazing £10 
December 31st Hogmany Party in the Town Hall with Barry Lee. Early Bird price of £16 if paid by 1st December, £20 after this
October 20th Brian Hedge will present a slide show of Aylsham and around over the decades in the Friendship Hall at 7.30pm, followed by a fish and chip supper. Open to family and friends. £10 per person
August 19th Cromer Pier Summer Show a 4.00 pm.  £22 per person.  Option of fish and chips afterwards at No 1 Cromer
August 6th A Brocante in Blofields Loke at 10.00 am
June 25th Summer Lunch at Mike and Sue Bush, The Warren, Sir Williams Lane at 12.30.  £10 per person
May 23rd - 28th Visit from our friends in La Chaussée St Victor to Aylsham 
April 7th Wine Tasting Evening in the Friendship Hall at 7.30 pm, hosted by Fr. James Walsh with a selection of French wines to sample. Cheese, bread, biscuits and desserts will be provided. £10 per head
February 10th Annual General Meeting in the Friendship Hall at 7.30 pm followed by cheese and wine
January 15th A hot lunch and talk by Martin Fox (ex Auctioneer at Keys) in the Friendship Hall at 2.30 pm.  £10 per person
December 31st Hogmany Party in the Town Hall at 7.30 pm (Cost is £16 if booked before 1st December - £20 after this date)
December 4th Cromer Pier Show at 2.30 pm (cost £20) and afterwards supper at No 1 Fish and Chips (payment on the day)
October 8th A flower arranging demonstration by Crystal Dyball entiitled "Up The Garden Path" - Friendship Hall 1.30 pm
August 21st A Summer Garden Lunch at Diggens Farm, the home of John and Charlotte Wooton at 12.30 pm
August 7th A Brocante in Blofields Loke - Starting at 10.00 am
July 12th - 17th Visit to La Chaussée St Victor - Open to all Members 
June 12th A Twinning Table at the town celebrations for the Queen's 90th birthday
May 15th A Barbecue at Home Farm, Marsham, the home of Derek and Pam Bailey at 12.30 pm
April 2nd Fish and Chip Supper and Quiz
February 5th Annual General Meeting in the Friendship Hall at 7.30 pm followed by cheese and wine
January 24th Sunday Lunch in the Friendship Hall at 12.30 pm with entertainment from Rachel Duffield.  Everyone welcome
December 31st Hogmany Party in the Town Hall
October 31st Saints and Sinners Evening at 7.30 pm in the Friendship Hall - Optional Saint or Sinner dress!
August 16th Summer Garden Lunch at The Warren, Sir William's Lane, Aylsham, the home of Mike and Sue Bush at 12.30 pm
August 2nd A Brocante in Blofields Loke at 10.00 am
July 17th A Barbecue at Home Farm, Marsham, the home of Derek and Pam Bailey
June 7th An outdoor event.  Details to follow
April 30th - 5th May Visit from our friends in La Chaussée St Victor to Aylsham 
March 22nd Starters and Sweets event.  Details and booking form in February's Newsletter
February 6th Annual General Meeting in the Friendship Hall at 7.30 pm followed by cheese and wine
January 18th Sunday Lunch in the Friendship Hall at 12.30 pm
December 31st Hogmanay Party in the Town Hall at 7.30 pm
November 1st A Halloween/All Saints event in the Friendship Hall at 7.30 pm 
September 28th A Walking Quiz at 11.00 am (meet at Richard Crouch's home at 40 Red Lion Street) followed by Lunch at 1.00 pm
August 17th A Summer Garden Lunch at the home of John and Charlotte Wooton
July 27th A Brocante in Blofields Loke
July 4th A Barbecue at Home Farm, Marsham, the home of Derek and Pam Bailey
June 7th Pizza Evening at the home of Richard and Maureen Burr, Burgh House, Burgh Lane at 7.30 pm
April 30th - 5th May Visit to La Chaussée St Victor - Open to all Members
March 29th Starters and Sweets Evening in The Friendship Hall at 7.30 pm
February 7th Annual General Meeting in The Friendship Hall at 7.30 pm
January 18th New Members Lunch in the Whistlestop Restaurant at the Bure Valley Railway Station at 7.30 pm
December 31st Hogmanay Party in the Town Hall at 7.30 pm
October 20th A Walking Quiz and afternoon tea
September 1st A Brocante in Blofields Loke
August 26th We are having a stand at the Aylsham Show
August 18th A Garden Lunch at The Warren, St Williams Lane, Aylsham, the home of Mike and Sue Bush
July 5th A Barbecue at Home Farm, Marsham, the home of Derek and Pam Bailey
June 8th A Coronation Garden Party
May 23rd to 28th Visit of Chausséans to Aylsham
March Starters and Sweets Evening in the Friendship Hall - An evening of scrumptious starters and delicious sweets
February 15th Annual General Meeting in the Friendship Hall followed by Cheese and Wine Supper
January 25th Burns Night Pot Luck Supper in the Friendship Hall
December 31st Dance the night away and welcome in the New Year with all your friends.  Book a couple of seats or a table and have your own party.  Bring yourselves a bottle or two, some nibbles and as many friends as you want and have a great time 
December 1st 1970's style Christmas Party in the Friendship Hall and Secret Santa gift unfortunately cancelled
October 21st Walking quiz around Aylsham preceded by refreshments at the Friendship Hall, followed by a delicious tea
August 19th Our summer lunch event, held in a wonderful garden in the middle of the town 
July 6th An evening barbecue amongst friends 
May 6th Twinning Jubilee Party.  Our own celebration of the Jubilee in the Friendship Club 
February 10th Annual General Meeting
December 31st Hogmanay party night 
December 3rd Pre-Christmas supper 
October 30th Halloween Party
August 14th Walk and barbecue 
July 7th to 12th Visit of Chausséans to Aylsham 
June 26th Pimms, Pizza and Pudding.  Date to be confirmed 
April 30th Champagne and Canapés
February 11th Annual General Meeting, followed by entertainment 
January 30th Curry for lunch 
December 31st Our traditional Hogmanay party night.  Bring your own food and drink and enjoy a party with your friends.  Dancing to Barry Lee 
December 4th Enjoy a Pork Supper and listen to Claire Lawrence, a talented local entertainer, who will be singing for us during the evening 
November 6th Ladies Day.  An afternoon for the ladies, with a demonstration and some festive stalls to start you off well for the Christmas season, followed by afternoon tea.  In the evening, enjoy supper prepared by the menfolk of the Twinning
October 24th Bangers and Mash for lunch at the Friendship Club